2014 PYLGSA 12U Vengeance
Eastside, by the snack shack. Here's Vengeance, the undercard of the Rally Monkeys game I shot. Just over 60 in this one. A good number for being the other team. A few personal favorites in here including Alie, the one who got me started shooting softball FIVE years ago! After taking some time off, she's now back behind the plate. It was a good sunny Saturday and there's really nice color in this set. At this game I also got impossibly drilled by a foul baseball. I was standing between the foul line and the tall fence along right field, and a ball from the heavens smacked my camera and then my chest. It was from BP at the big baseball field. One in a million shot, no angle. Hurt though. Camera is okay too. Here it is, the 2014 PYL 12U Vengeance Gallery (CLICK). B