2017 PYLGSA 8U Toxic
Toxic is right! These uniforms are tough to photograph in the sunlight. I shot most of these photos in RAW and then made a slightly overexposed and an underexposed version. I combined them letting the darker areas of the tops show through, the best way to keep the green color where the sun wanted to white it out. It was more than I bargained for, but worth it. This gallery is huge. After adding some Sloppy's Specials, I ended up posting 366 images in here. Even with warm ups that's an insane amount for a weeknight game. Quite a few familiar faces in here, many younger sisters of kids I've shot before. The Team Session is paid for so the gallery has no watermarks, allows for downloads, and prints and goodies are at the lowest prices. Here's the 2017 PYLGSA 8U Toxic Gallery (CLICK). B