2018 Van Buren Talent Show

2018 Van Buren Talent Show

Wow. 200 photos. I only decided to take the camera at the last minute. I figured If I got one good shot of Archie and Mrs. Scott it'd be worth it. Archie's act was first, and the original plan was for me to take Daniel to soccer as soon as Arch finished. Daniel stayed home sick from school that day and he decided not to go to practice, so I kept shooting. I think I got something good of everybody including my favorite, my neighbor Mit! I didn't know he had it in him, awesome. Unfortunately, my seat didn't give me a good shot of the piano players, but I got their bows and smiles. Everything is downloadable here at full size for free, prints are $1.50 for 5x7. If you feel inclined you can choose to pay a dollar or two for your downloads in the drop down menu, it IS appreciated. Here's the 200 photos in the 2018 Van Buren Elementary Talent Show. B

2018 Canyon Basketball RYAN

2018 Canyon Basketball RYAN

2018 El Dorado JV Soccer (W)

2018 El Dorado JV Soccer (W)