2018 El Dorado Lacrosse LAUREN

2018 El Dorado Lacrosse LAUREN

Here's Lauren, one of the Golden Hawks big time defenders. Lacrosse is different from soccer in that the field is divided into sections and some players tend to stay in their third. Lauren DID make a few end to end runs during the games I was at, but generally she stayed in the defensive third of the field. That meant I had to walk the sidelines quite a bit to get both the forwards and the defenders. The girls run, Sloppy does not. Not that I WON'T, it's that I've learned the ball will come back as soon as I get to the other end. Also, I do not want to be a distraction to the fans who are behind me... or a comedy show. Ha. A handful of girls on the varsity team are in for Individual Packages, and Lauren's is just the second one I've posted. She gets all her photo files, including some Sloppy Specials and a killer 16x20 collage print. Her teammates gallery is here, and there's a similar offer available to them there. Her gallery is presented without watermarks, available downloads, and dirt cheap print pricing. I overlapped a couple other jobs with El Dorado, so the gallery is huge! There's 68 images in Lauren's 2018 El Dorado Varsity Lacrosse Gallery. B

2018 Placentia Pony Mustang Royals

2018 Placentia Pony Mustang Royals

2018 Servite Senior PARKER

2018 Servite Senior PARKER