2017 Arsenal FC G05

2017 Arsenal FC G05

Here’s a unique one. I went out to watch and shoot my niece playing in a tournament at Silverlakes. Because she’s playing an age level up, I knew her minutes would be limited. I was there as Uncle Bryan more than Photographer Bryan but ended up shooting out of habit and actually had quite a few. Sarah did play but only briefly and knowing I didn’t get anything stellar of her, I shelved this batch for a long time. The folder is my last 2017 folder in my To Do Pile and has been staring at me from my desktop for a long time. I went through and polished up more than I planned to, final count 55. This is the rare sports gallery where I’m going with my ONLY 5x7’s Pricing. Here’s the 2017 Arsenal FC G05 Gallery (CLICK). B

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