2019 Jr. Mighty Mite Orange Chiefs

2019 Jr. Mighty Mite Orange Chiefs

I plan to post a lot the next week or two. I’ve got lots in the hopper already shot and in various stages of editing. This is a Team Post to go with Hunter’s Individual Package post this morning. I was out for Hunter and a few others jumped in on Mini Sets of 10 photos. Since this age pretty much runs the ball every play there’s lots of pile ups, but every once in a while a kid will pop out wide and get free for a good series of shots. There is 30 kids on the team so I know I missed some while snapping my targets, but plenty of cute stuff. Little kids in big helmets is magic!

This is a Preview Gallery so you can see what I have. While all of the photos have been cropped, only a handful of photos have been polished for color, brightness, or whatever else they may need. All ordered photos will get the Sloppy's Treatment before they are sent out. I removed the duds, so if it’s in the gallery it will be a good photo. I don't have time to shine up everything beforehand. If you want to get your digital files, have me create a canvas, collage or something special, OR schedule me to shoot YOUR team or kid, contact me directly. Here's the 2019 Jr. Mighty Mite Orange Chiefs Gallery (CLICK). B

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2019 El Dorado Varsity Volleyball (W)

2019 El Dorado Varsity Volleyball (W)

2019 Pop Warner Orange Chiefs Football HUNTER

2019 Pop Warner Orange Chiefs Football HUNTER