2019 Capistrano Valley JV Football

2019 Capistrano Valley JV Football

Here’s an unexpected one! I have been shooting the Yorba Linda JV Football Team this year. I’ve shot them three times now, but normally I don’t shoot the opponent much. It’s just a lot of extra work if I don’t know that the photos will be seen. One of my softball families moved south and now a brother plays for the Cougars. This was a pretty intense game and ended with both sides yapping at each other. I’m not sure the referees knew exactly what happened in the last 25 seconds or so. Capo was making a final push to score and had no timeouts, and all they needed was a field goal. After a short gain the QB spiked the ball, but it also looked like he did it from his knee and I think the referees ruled it a fumble but no one picked it up so the clock ran out. That’s my best guess. The field goal unit ran out on the field and Capo wanted just one measly second on the clock, but the referees ruled no and nodded towards Yorba Linda to indicate the game was over. That’s what I think happened anyway. It was crazy and unclear. Not like TV where the referees huddle and then announce a ruling, it was chaos.

This is a Preview Gallery so you can see what I have. While all of the photos have been cropped, only a handful of photos have been polished for color, brightness, or whatever else they may need. All ordered photos will get the Sloppy's Treatment before they are sent out. I removed the duds, so if it’s in the gallery it will be a good photo. I don't have time to shine up everything beforehand. If you want to get your digital files, have me create a canvas, collage or something special, OR schedule me to shoot YOUR team or kid, contact me directly. Here's the 2019 Capistrano Valley JV Football Gallery (CLICK). B

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