2023 El Dorado Tennis DAWSON

2023 El Dorado Tennis DAWSON

Like Troy in the previous post, Dawson is the last kid in the family in high school. I’ve shot them all plenty and Dawson has been adding to tally. He tried soccer his freshman year but found tennis more to his liking. The high school game in general is a lot less aggressive than you see on tv, but there always seems to be a couple kids on each team that really bring it. Grunts and slides, the whole bit. Dawson’s not at that level quite yet, but he’s got a couple more years to go. He’s got the smiling down though. Ha. On this day I had my buddy Sean out with me for the shoot so there will eventually be a bigger gallery of the team. Here is Dawson’s 2023 El Dorado Tennis Gallery (CLICK). B

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2023 Esperanza Tennis TROY

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