2018 The Scott Family

2018 The Scott Family

Another awesome family, this time a BIG family! I’ve shot some soccer portraits of Daniel before and Mrs. Scott is a favorite teacher over at Van Buren (and my son’s dance partner!). I still have reservations about shooting groups with more than five or six. Aside from a stacked up Team Photo, I’m just not experienced with arranging TWELVE people. Another big factor is I like to shoot without a tripod, it just allows me to be more free and interact with the family better. The downside is I know not all dozen smiles are going to be perfect in one shot and I’ll likely have to swap some heads in post. When I move around angles change and heads may get difficult to line up. Anyway, not a lot of that here. This is a couple families and a couple sets of grandparents, you’re looking at the Thanksgiving Table right there! Here’s a few favorites. B

Sloppy's Garage vs. MaxPreps

Sloppy's Garage vs. MaxPreps

2018 The Goodwin Family

2018 The Goodwin Family